nurturing strength
Sandalwood (chandana) bloom
Our products
Chandana Ayurveda’s herbal medicines are an integral part of your journey to cultivating radiant health. Our range of tonics are sourced from India (the home of Ayurvedic medicine) and include Tailams Oils, Arishtams & Asavams, Lehams, Kasyams, Kwatams, Vatis as well as skincare and loose organic herbs. If you’re after a particular medicine that isn’t displayed here, please enquire.

Herbal medicine
Ashwagandha Aristam
Treats debility, fatigue, stress and general malaise. This pure strength in a bottle treats stress, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and is very beneficial to use post surgery, when going through high stress, or periods of anxiety. Pacifies Vata
450ml $38
Asoka Aritam
Treats female reproductive system. Strengthens uterus. Treats excessive bleeding and cramping, dysmenorrhea and scanty bleeding. Pacifies Pitta & Vata
450ml $38
Kumari Asavam
An aloe vera based preparation that supports the female reproductive system. It also treats anaemia, gastritis, builds the blood, is a nervine tonic, helps the liver and has a cooling quality. Pacifies Pitta
450ml $38
Sukumaram Kwatam
Treats PMT is great for building fertility and is helpful for all issues related menopause especially mood swings
100pcs $35
Saptasaram kwatam
Treats ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other blockages in the uterus and female repro area.
100pcs $35
Shatavari Gulam
Treats infertility, dryness of body and low libido in women while nourishing the reproductive system. Excellent Rasayanam (Rejuvenation) for women
Pacifies Vata & Pitta
500g $35
This fantastic digestive trio of Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki is one of Ayurveda’s cornerstone preparations. Treats bloating, constipation, loose stools, water retention, Vit C deficiency, diseases of eyes and skin, detoxes the colon and is anti cancerous. Pacifies all Doshas
50g $11 100g $22
This herbal blend for treating Agni (digestive fire) is used to strengthen digestion. It also treats candida Albicans, coughs and colds. Trikatu is very heating and may cause burning sensations in excess. Pacifies Kapha & Vata can aggravate Pitta
50g $12 100g $24
Kutaja Herb Holarrhena Dysenterica
Kutaja is effective for treating loose stools, dysentheri, IBS, and ulcerative colitis. This herb is cooling and treats burning sensations while having aphrodisiac properties.
Pacifies Pitta
50g $11 100g $22
Mustaka Cyperus Rotundus
This cooling digestive herb treats blood and skin disease, worms and parasites and other toxins in the digestive tract. Improves digestive system, regulates body temperature, and pacifies liver heat. Pacifies Pitta
50g $11 100g $22
Hingwastika Churna
A beautiful blend of digestive herbs to use in your cooking of dhal and various curries. benefits AGNI and taste. Pacifies Vata & Kapha
50g $12 100g $23
well being
This Rasayanam paste for general health and wellbeing boosts immune system and treats anaemia. Is suitable for adults, children, pregnant women and any debility. Excellent Rasayanam for everyone. Good for all Dosha
Pacifies all 3 Doshas
500g $35
Shatavari Gulam
Treats infertility, dryness of body and low libido in women while nourishing the reproductive system. Excellent Rasayanam (Rejuvenation) for women
Pacifies Vata & Pitta
500g $35
Ashwagandha leham
Strengthening and building, this herb give more zest for life building vitality and libido. Treats fatigue, stress, physical and mental weakness, anxiety and depression and is also beneficial for male reproductive disorders. Excellent Rasyanam for all and especially for male reproductive system Pacifies Vata
500g $35
Moringa Moringa olifera
A nourishing and strengthening tonic for building and supporting the entire body as well as calming the nervous system, promoting good sleep and settling mild anxiety. Ashwagandha is Indian Ginseng and one of the most used herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Moringa is a highly nutrient herb in the range of superfoods. High iron, calcium and protein. It promotes good health, energy, and builds immune system. Both herbs can be used during pregnancy under supervision by Ayurvedic practitioner. Excellent Rasyanam for all.
50g $11 100g $22

the earth’s medicine
Tailams Oils
Dhanwantaram Tailam
A nurturing anti-inflammatory medicated oil used for arthritis, pain and abhyangar self massage. This oil is a specific womens oil. Great for pre- and postnatal. Pacifies Vata
500ml $42 200ml $25
Mahanarayana Tailam
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicated oil for Osteo arthritis and building strength after injury, muscle and joint pain. Pacifies Vata
500ml $43.50 200ml $26
Chandanadi Tailam
Cooling sandalwood oil is used for Pitta disorders like Burning sensations, can help calm irritated nerves, skin issues, headaches, dizziness. Pacifies Pitta
500ml $43.50 200ml $25
Kapooradi Tailam
Envigorating and soothing oil that treats pain in arthritis, sinus congestion, itchy skin, inflammation. Pacifies Kapha
500ml $43.50 200ml $24
Arishtams & Asavams
Asoka Aritam
Treats female reproductive system. Strengthens uterus. Treats excessive bleeding and cramping, dysmenorrhea and scanty bleeding. Pacifies Pitta & Vata
450ml $25
Pipali Asavama
Is a tonic for longevity and strong health. Is used for treating abdominal discomfort like distention, nausea, loss of appetite. It increases secretion of digestive juices and improves liver function. It is detoxifying and reduces accumulation of Ama (toxins). Treats Vata and Kapha
450ml $25
Lehams Paste
Rasayanam paste for general health and wellbeing. Boosts immune system and treats anemia. Is suitable for adults, children, pregnancy and any debility.
500g $35
Shatavari Gulam
Treats infertility, dryness of body and low libido in women while nourishing the reproductive system.
200g $20
Ashwagandha leham
Strengthening and building. Builds vitality and libido. Treats fatigue, stress, physical and mental weakness, anxiety, depression generally gives more zest for life. Treats Male reproductive disorders.
500g $35
Tongue scraper
Tongue scraping is part of a good Ayurvedic daily routine of cleansing the senses.
It clears out toxins, kindles the agni and promotes fresh breath.