Yoga brings you into this present moment
the only place where life exists
email or txt 0411553485
With focus on core & balance we work through a sequence of Asanas to strengthen & open body & mind
Class is concluded with a deeply nourishing Savasana with healing sound to nurture your heart & spirit
Simhasana Lions Pose
This Asana is a strong, seated release pose engaging breath and sound while stimulating all three Bandhas. It is an outlet for Manipura Chakra in solar plexus through the Vishuddha throat Chakra. It reduces stress and releases any stored anger or negative energy making it very freeing and therapeutic
Karina Thullesen
Started her Yoga journey in 1980 with classical Hatha yoga. Having practised consistently through most of her life exploring various styles from Asthanga to Viniyasa flow and Diamond yoga, meditation & yoga has become an intuitive part of her daily life and in her clinical practise as Ayurvedic practitioner
Chandana Ayurveda Yoga classes are suitable for all levels practitioners. Beginners are welcome.
Cost is $22 or 10 lesson punch card for $200 valid for 6 month
The focus of this practise is on bringing awareness to our core strength and balance using a mixture of both static & more dynamic Asanas that optimise stability in both the body and in the mind.
Bringing in some simple principles from Ayurveda & Pilates, the class is educational, down to earth and grounding, while uplifting to the spirit.
Everyone works within their own capacity and ability we leave the class feeling centred and in touch with the deeper levels of self and intuition.
This practice restores lightness in body, promotes strength of mind and suggests softness through heart.

What the students say
Karina’s yoga class is relaxing while giving every part of the body a good stretch. I have a few injuries and have under Karina’s guidance & encouragement worked through the fear of returning to yoga. I feel strength & confidence returning to my body ~ Emily
Karina is a fantastic yoga teacher. I love the classes & the energy and space she holds for each one of us. There is the right amount of challenge and ease. I feel restored, relaxed & rejuvenated at the end. The class does not exacerbate some body issues that I have but if I need to rest a moment, there is no pressure. Karina’s reverence, knowledge & honouring of yoga is present every time. Such a special gift I look forward to every week. ~ Nicole
This is my favourite yoga class in years! A perfect balance of energising and relaxing. I really appreciate Karina’s lack of emphasis on ‘perfect’ She guides the group through a mixture of breath, movement & awareness that have everyone working within their capacities yet still all leaving feeling warm, alive & cheerful ~ Annie